The first steps in the easy2coach Team Manager

Success in 3 Minutes

First Steps in Team Organization

It doesn’t matter whether you registered via the web portal or the iOS/Android app of the easy2coach Team Manager. After registration and creating your first team, you will always be asked to go through the first steps.

You can complete these steps both in the web portal and in the app, and it takes less than 3 minutes.

  • Enter Player Roster

    Simply enter the names of your players manually or use the contact import function via XLS or from your contact address book.

    Here you can import contacts via XLS

  • Create Training Sessions

    The next training session is surely coming up. Simply create individual training sessions or recurring training sessions.

  • Enter Matchdays

    You can either enter matches manually or easily use the import function in the web portal.

    Here you can import matches via XLS

  • Define Colors & Upload Images

    Now you're almost done! Quickly adjust the colors in the web portal and upload a team picture with your logo. Done!

Now, nothing stands in the way of a successful season. We support you and your team every step of the way.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out at any time. Our friendly support team is always happy to help.