6) Organize Team Events

So? Have we managed to convince you of the benefits of team organization in easy2coach?

If you're already eager for more, here you'll find direct links to the follow-up explanatory videos. Afterwards, you can rightly call yourself an easy2coach expert:

  • Create or import players (without players, planning training sessions, game lineups, and RSVPs makes little sense)
  • Create training sessions (then you can add players to the training session and create your own training plans). We have added over 1,500 exercises and ready-made training plans in our database for you.
  • Record games (after which you can depict graphical lineups and capture goals/assists, ratings, and substitutions)
  • Record tournaments and tournament games (especially a must for every indoor tournament during the winter months)
  • All other modules & functions in the easy2coach Team Manager for iOS/Android (including team fund, document management, task management, availabilities, absences, polls, training theory, and much more)

By the way, you can also log in to the web portal with your access data and thus use even more benefits for team organization. These include:

  • Player ratings,
  • PDF exports,
  • Comprehensive statistics,
  • Optimal training planning with exercises & training plans
  • Rights adjustments, and much more.

A list of all functions including a comparison between the free basic version and the attractive team premium version can be found here.

If you want to book User-Premium, Team-Premium or Club Premium take a look at our shop: Go to easy2coach shop

As an admin or coach, we always recommend at least a quick look at the web portal. Just take a look at our compact overview of team organization in easy2coach. It won't take long and you'll definitely be amazed when you see what else easy2coach has to offer.

Since you can use not only the easy2coach Team Manager app for iOS/Android but all easy2coach products with your access data, we have summarized the most important links for you to get started:

  • easy2coach Team Manager Web: simply log in via the web version on your PC and organize and plan your team & training directly from your PC.
  • easy2coach Tactics: your online drawing and animation software. Create your own exercises and tactical sequences for free. You can, of course, directly add these to exercises in easy2coach Training.
  • easy2coach Training: the leading soccer training web app and iOS/Android app with over 1,500 exercises and ready-made annual training plans.