In the video, we show you how to create your own exercises in the Exercises Module. You can save your exercises privately, share them within your club, or make them available to the entire easy2coach community. Ultimately, you decide who gets to see your exercises.
In the video, you’ll learn:
- How to add drawings/animations from easy2coach Tactics (if you want to create your own drawings/animations, we recommend checking out our videos on easy2coach Tactics. Click here).
- How to easily add YouTube videos to your personal exercises.
- How to digitize your own images from your materials and upload them to an exercise.
Jörg Pollmeier - CEO easy2coach"Our customers save up to 90% of their previous time spent on training planning with easy2coach Training. Why? Because digitalized exercises are found faster, and training days can be put together with just a few clicks."
Comprehensive, clear, and top-notch support
I find the app very advantageous with many great ideas. The support is quick, efficient, and very accommodating.
Our free basic version already offers great ideas and templates for your next training session. But perhaps you want more, just like thousands of ambitious football coaches before you. Creating and opening unlimited exercises is just one of the many fantastic premium features we don’t want to withhold from you any longer.
With easy2coach Training Premium, you can also:
- Create unlimited lists.
- Mark unlimited favorites.
- Add unlimited exercises to training sessions.
- Access training statistics.
- Print exercises & training days as PDF files via the web portal.
If we’ve piqued your interest, here’s the link to the Premium Version.
And don’t forget!
You can also log in to the Web Portal with your credentials to enjoy even more training planning advantages, such as:
- PDF prints of your exercises & training sessions
- Comprehensive training statistics
- And simply a larger monitor, making it even easier to create your own drawings and animations
Since your credentials give you access not only to the easy2coach Training App for iOS/Android but all easy2coach products, we’ve summarized the most important links to get you started:
- easy2coach Training (Web): Simply log in to the web version on your PC and plan your training directly on your computer.
- easy2coach Team Manager: The leading web app as well as iOS/Android app for team organization in football.
- easy2coach Tactics: Your online drawing and animation software. Create your own exercises and tactical workflows for free. You can, of course, directly add these to exercises in easy2coach Training.