The easy2coach Training App for iOS / Android | Create your own training days and design training plans.
Today, we want to show you why our users can plan their training up to 90% faster with easy2coach.
- Training days are created within seconds
- With just a few clicks, you can find the right exercises or entire training plans
- With one more click, these exercises or full training plans are added to your own training days.
This is how you can plan your next training session in just a few minutes.
Well done
Great exercises, clearly presented, and very up-to-date. This makes it quick and effective to organize great training. Keep it up
And don’t forget!
As an admin or coach, we always recommend taking a look at the Web Portal.
You can also log in to the Web Portal with your credentials to enjoy even more training planning advantages, such as:
- PDF prints of your exercises & training sessions
- Comprehensive training statistics
- And simply a larger monitor, making it even easier to create your own drawings and animations
Since your credentials give you access not only to the easy2coach Training App for iOS/Android but all easy2coach products, we’ve summarized the most important links to get you started:
- easy2coach Training (Web): Simply log in to the web version on your PC and plan your training directly on your computer.
- easy2coach Team Manager: The leading web app as well as iOS/Android app for team organization in football.
- easy2coach Tactics: Your online drawing and animation software. Create your own exercises and tactical workflows for free. You can, of course, directly add these to exercises in easy2coach Training.