Passing with Overlapping I

  • Organisation

    6 cons are set out as shown. One player starts at each cone. The players in the middle start with a ball.

  • Process

    Groups A, B and C:

    Player C passes to B who passes to A and overlaps player A on the way towards the middle cone.

    Player A then passes to C who lays the ball off with his first touch in space for B to runs onto.

    After that C takes up A's position and B dribbles to the former position of D. Groups D, E and F have the same passes and runs. I.e. F dribbles after his run to Position C. D to position E and player E runs to position F.

  • Tip

    - 6 cones.

    - Start by running the drill slowly and then speed up. The receiver should always make a small, dynamic dummy run away from the ball before receiving the ball. The drill can be extremely tiring when conducted quickly with only six players.

    - Under time pressure, this drill is very game realistic.

    - The reciever should call for the ball.

    - Pass and run timing is important

    - Players often run faster than their pass.

    - Don't forget the runs.

    - Demand good strength of pass and pass precision.

    - Pass precision is more important than pass speed.

    - Concentration must be held at all times.

  • Field size

    12 x 18m

  • Cone margins

    Distance between the outer cones: 12m Distance between the middle cones: 6 meters from one another and 6 meters to the outer line

Training Set

Progression, Main point


30 min


U07 - U19


Ball control, Dribbling, Feinting/trick dribbling, Passing, Inside of the foot, Laces, Outside of the foot, Trapping




Quick anticipation, Quick processing


Explosiveness, Speed endurance, Fitness program, Speed of movement off the ball, Speed of movement with ball, Power & Speed, Strength endurance, Variable intervals

Training Organization

Number of Players

2 players, 4 players - 8 players, 10 players

Form of Training

Group training, Individual training, Team training, Training in pairs

Exercise level

Difficult, Easy, Intermediate

Spatial Behavior

Spatial Behavior

Training Location

Indoor, Pitch

Author: easy2coach Training

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