Endurance Training - With Ball

  • Organisation

    • 5 cones
    • Set up 4 stations
    • 2 players per station
    • 1 ball per station
  • Process

    • Exercise 1: Player A plays the ball to Player B in such a way that B can head it back. Player B sprints to the cone and back, then receives the next ball thrown by Player A.
    • Exercise 2: Player A passes to Player B, who passes it back. Player B runs backward to the cone and then sprints back to their starting position, where they receive the next ball.
    • Exercise 3: Player A passes to Player B, who passes it back. Player B sprints alternately to each cone and then back to their starting position, where they receive the next ball.
    • Exercise 4: Player A passes the ball past Player B. Player B runs to the ball and plays it back to Player A, returns to their starting position, and makes themselves available again.
  • Tip

    10 rounds with 45 seconds per player.

Training Set

Main point


20 min


U09 - Men's / Women's


Ball control, Headers, Heading while in motion, Passing, Combinations, One touch passes, Short passing, Wall passes, Trapping




Basic Endurance GAT, Soccer-specific endurance

Training Organization

Number of Players

2 players - 22+ players

Form of Training

Group training, Team training, Training in pairs

Exercise level


Training Location

Indoor, Pitch

Author: Tactics easy2coach

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